3D print open-source Braille press

There is braille printers, and there is braille writer, but there is not in between the two. One is expensive and often times inaccesible, while the other is cheap but not scalable. To solve this, I think a braille press, similar to a printing press should be made.

I have a few ideas, such as:

  1. Using a 3D printer to custom print each page
  2. Have braille letter sets like an actual printing press
  3. Have holes and pins that lock in (like the car and people pieces from game of life)

Out of the three, the last one seems the most practical and scalable. Unlike the first which requires multiple printing, and the second which requires multiple letters to be printed individually.

I shall follow reccomendation by this University of Idaho student's FYP, as it has much of the detail and optimised strucutre.